Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von Maarten
Do Nov 11, 2010 4:22 pm
Forum: DIY Projects
Thema: Enhanced Pultec DIY
Antworten: 75
Zugriffe: 306483

This escape is an option I also thought about, good call. But I doubt if this will work for the log pots for the bass, maybe I’ll use a linear taper for that as well. Someone mentioned that the circuit is in fact a simple voltage divider. Changing the divider would change the dB range. So I still ha...
von Maarten
Mi Nov 10, 2010 3:30 pm
Forum: DIY Projects
Thema: Enhanced Pultec DIY
Antworten: 75
Zugriffe: 306483

Hi, I would like to ask two short question regarding they Pultec PEQ’s Ultra Enhanced version ( http://pagesperso-orange.fr/NBNS-Studio/ULTRAPULTEC/ULTRAENHANCEDPULTEC.gif ). In the drawing board at Prodigy Pro there’s a topic in which I’ve asked these question, but didn’t find an easy/uniform answe...